Well, another day. I am happy to be alive sometimes. But most of the time I am worried about my children. What kind of man takes a bath with his kids and holds his hard penis back with his hand? And why didn't I know that it wasn't normal? I honestly thought (until a few days ago) that a man could have just an elbow brush his dick and he would get a hard on. I just discovered that my ex is pretty messed up to be getting a hard on with his little girls in the bath. Why does he still take baths with my three year old and five year old with the door shut and locked and won't let his girlfriend in? Why is child protection finding this normal? Why is it abnormal that I be worried? Why am I the evil one here? Why can he pick up his ex-girlfriends dog in front of the police and our young children by the neck and throw him in her car and everyone finds that normal? Why can he throw down her air conditioner on the cement in front of the police and everyone thinks that its normal? Why do I call the child protection services for answers and I get no answers, no call backs, no responses? Are they not my children too? What the hell is going on?
Why can he call me a piece of garbage on two feet with pieces missing and get away with it? (esti de dechet a deux pattes avec des morceaux qui manquent en plus) and still be mister nice guy with the social workers? (I'm missing a breast from the mastectomy. Kind man isn't he.) I have never called him a name, I have only said to the social workers that he is a narcissist. I have never ever called him a name or been cruel to him. I have asked him to remove my childrens' photos from his dating site. That allowed me that lovely compliment written above.
And now he won't even allow me to speak to the children. He has somehow convinced the social workers that I am to blame for whatever psychosis he is putting us all through. Insanity.
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